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"これ いい ね"

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.03.14

Ken can say his first sentence. We could see it happening, but the day is here. He's been uttering a few words for quite some time now, and last week he told me something which sounded a lot like "I uv ou."

But today he started to really communicate, and happily it was a positive communication (we know which parent he's been learning from). When he sees something he likes, he says, "こら いい ね” which means, "that's good, isn't it?" he usually says it when he's discovered something he wants to handle or eat.

It's doubtless something he picked up from his little friend Akari-chan (pictured below), who's been saying the same thing in the same context for a few months.

Akari-chanWelcome to the speaking world, my boy.

rand()m quote

There's always something to keep you humble.

—Dr. Kenneth M. Johnston (1920 - 1999)